Col Vetoraz

Col Vetoraz

Col Vetoraz lays on the very top of the homonymous hill next to the Mont of Cartizze in S. Stefano di Valdobbiadene. We are on one of the highest spots in Cartizze, 400 metres above the sea level, from where the sight can recognize the entire area, the hamlet Fol on the east side and the hamlet Sacol on the west side.

The Family Miotto settled down in Col Vetoraz in 1838 and started growing Prosecco and Cartizze grapes. In 1993 Francesco, a direct descendant of Miotto family, together with Paolo De Bortoli and myself established the current Col Vetoraz, creating a heterogeneous and stimulating workgroup. In the last years the growth in experience of Col Vetoraz has been renowned and we think we have reached a good starting point in order to contribute to the identification and qualification of our wonderful land.

Languages: Italian, English, German

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